God is perfect love.
Created in the image of God, we carry the reflection of his perfect love within us.
Christ came to demonstrate that God’s perfect love can exist as a present reality in our world.
That reality of perfect love continues to unfold as we become more aware of Christ within each of us.
We each embrace our true identity in Christ as love – we become love in our world.
Whatever the cost, we love.
Unconditionally and indiscriminately, we love.
Selflessly and sacrificially, we love.
Though it may require our own lives, we are free to love.
We are more than just our earthly containers (our physical bodies) and even if our earthly containers are sacrificed in the process, we never lose our true selves.
As the body of Christ on earth lives perfect love, the brokenness of our world becomes healed.
The groaning of creation is silenced.
Hate has been overcome by love.
Fear has been swallowed up by freedom.
We move forward but somehow journey backward and gain access to the relationship and reality Adam had with God in perfect love.
The story was always true.
God’s kingdom comes.
Perfect Love’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
It’s what Jesus was saying all along. God and man, heaven and earth will be one.
With a beam reaching high into the heavens, and the other stretching parallel to earth, Jesus died so the new reality would be born.
~via Jim's blog