Our spiritual life is not one that can be measured, calculated or predicted. The only certainty we have is our uncertainty. But that is not a bad thing. It is indeed quite exciting, spontaneous and full of expectation! So we should not be floundering around, waiting, looking even longing for a certain (steady & predictable) route.
To be certain of God means we are uncertain in oursleves. We are uncertain what each day will bring, but certain in God. We are uncertain of what will happen to us, but certain in God. We are uncertain of where we are going and where life will take us, but we are certain in God.
We are not uncertain of God, just uncertain of what he will do next.
Unfortunately, many 'churched' people-- dare I say 'Christians', lead empty, lifeless and unexciting lives. Why? Because often as churched people, we have become advocates of our creed. Our doctrines, our traditions, and our rules. We are not certain in God, we are only certain in our belief about him.
It is time to put down the stale meaningless life and begin to enjoy the freshness of the abundant life.
New Testament 3.0 – A Major Breakthrough
3 days ago