Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lent - A journey to the Cross

Lent begins today, Ash Wednesday, & will continue until Good Friday.

Lent is a time set aside to reflect on Jesus' suffering and death. As we do so, it is an opportunity for us to take an inventory of our spiritual life & relationship with God as we meditate, confess & renew our lives in Him.

Each day you are invited back here for a guided meditation on this year's journey to the cross.

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Pilgrimage to Calvary

We keep our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. ~Hebrews 12:2

A man standing on the deck of a ship suddenly heard a deafening rumble as a volcano on the shore burst into flame. The whole countryside was lit up, and then the flame died. In those moments, he said, was revealed the fire that is ever burning in the heart of that mountain.

As we contemplate the Passion of our Lord, His suffering on Calvary, we have a glimpse of the love that is forever in the heart of God for each of us. Calvary is the supreme articulation of God's love for the world.

Taken from 40 Days with the Savior

I’m forgiven
because You were forsaken,
I’m accepted,
You were condemned.
I'm alive and well,
Your sprit is within me,
Because You died and rose again.
How can it be?
That You, my King would die for me?
Amazing love,
I know it’s true.
It’s my joy to honour You,
In all I do, I honour You.

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