Saturday, March 03, 2007

Prodigal Returns

It was while we were yet far off
Before we had hatched a plan
or mapped a route back to your heart.
Before we had sent a postcard
to warn you of our imminent return.
While we were yet far off
you could see our footprints
turning in the opposite direction.
You knew that our hearts were entirely captured
before ever we recognized
a chink in our self-centered armor.
While we were yet far off
You had sent out the invitation
and blown up the balloons.
The presents were wrapped
and the chairs pushed back
to make room for the dancing.
As we rounded the corner
we could dimly see you,
craning your neck and leaping for joy.
We thought then
that a reconciliation might be possible.
While we were yet far off
you popped the cork
and added the final touches
to the party tea.

~Tracy Wheeler

1 comment:

Nash said...

That was a beautiful poem!