Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Been doing a lot of thinking around simple church. There is a book of the same title but I don't own it & haven't read it (maybe someday).

Ironically the concept of simple church really goes against the institutionalized church culture we've come to embrace - even to the point of being willing to fight to the death for it. Ironic because in the beginning...it was so simple, it was real & it was invaluable. Why wouldn't we want to get back to that?

At times last week while listening at Imagine, there were sometimes contradictory messages between Church Growth & Kingdom Growth, depending on which session & who the speaker was.

We've been seduced by the church growth movement to think that the church is the end instead of the true end being Kingdom growth. We measure success by attraction instead of the biblical measurement of giving ourselves away (true evangelism Jesus style).

I like what I heard one speaker say: Every person given the opportunity to experience the good news through a trust relationship.

I like that because it makes Jesus' life about everybody & not just the church. Who knew!?! Also, because it's about relationship, process, time, and going out.

That missional statement reminded me of when I heard Brian Mclaren state the mission of his church: To be and make disciples in authentic community for the good of the world.

I like that because it gives validation, perspective & a good kick in the pants for what the church does "in here" is for the greater purpose of what's happening "out there".

Every flavour of church (even the trendy emergent versions) are being pushed to re-evalute the "why" questions of mission.

I believe a missional move forward will see the return to a time of:
  • minimal reliance on buildings
  • minimal reliance on programs
  • minimal reliance on staff

The above big three have become huge contributors to the church we know & have come to affectionately embrace. What could a church minimalizing the emphasis on these three look like?

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