Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Redeeming Christmas Decorations

I love Christmas! I love the symbolism, the traditions, the family & friendly gatherings, the food, the music, the spirit, the extra concern for the poor - need I go on!

Many people say, "Christmas is becoming too commercial... too many decorations." In some ways I agree with this statement. But when it comes to decorating I like what Jack Hayford says in Come & Behold Him. One of the chapters is entitled "We'll Dress the House." In it he gives three suggestions when decorating:

1. Be assured, this is righteous - Decoration of the house at Christmas is neither a surrender to pagan traditions nor a capitulation to commercialism.
    • if God commissioned angels to roll back the night and fill it with blazing light,
    • if God provided a mighty celestial choir to serenade a few startled shepherds,
    • if God graced the heavens with a miracle star,
    • if God arranged such a memorable entry point as a feeding trough in a stable,
    • if God went to all this trouble to open our eyes to His entry into our world, then we needn't apologize for festooning our home with a few seasonal reminders!
Since the Light of the World has come, lights strung across the roof only "shout it from the housetop". Candles and candelabra, stars and starlight, gifts and giving, songs and sonnets, lights and light-heartedness, angel cookies and wisemen ornaments - all are consistent with what transpired on our little planet two thousand years ago.

2. Since it is right, sanctify it - Present your decorating and decorations to the Lord as a tribute to Him.
    • Pray before you decorate.
    • Worship as you decorate.
    • Give thanks after you decorate.
    • As Paul writes it, "Do everything heartily and freely to God's glory."
3. Invite others to share it with you - When you "dress up", you usually "go out". But since our homes are fixed locations, the only alternative is to invite others in. It is a witness to our neighbours when they see a believer actually happy about life! So many in the world think us uptight and sour - incapable of genuine gladness. But when these neighbours and relatives encounter a home filled with true happiness, a light-hearted spirit of fun, and a warm, generous welcome, it can be utterly disarming. It paints a whole new portrait of the "Jesus life."

**Adapted from a long ago edition of "The Calling" & originally written by Sue-Ann Hicks

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