Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Chimes are Changing?

More realistically, the times have changed!

Listen closely. The sound you may not be hearing this holiday season as you stumble from mall to mall is the tinkle of silver bells.

Of course if you live in a big city like Toronto, you may not be able to hear much of anything over the din of harried holiday shoppers and the incessant sound of cellphones with their Babel-like ringtones.

But listen some more. It's a subtle thing. Where is the chingle, chingle, chingle of the Salvation Army bells?

The Sally Ann bell-ringers themselves are there — in most of the big malls and by the subway stations and liquor stores — with their distinctive red kettles.

But check out their hands (it can be easier, sometimes, than looking them in the eye). Most have no bells. No little leather belts of jingling chimes to draw attention to their existence.

Finish the article here.

For the record, I hate the annoying sound of those bells and have NEVER rung them while volunteering on a kettle!

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