Saturday, March 01, 2008


I'm Fergalicious (so delicious)
My body stay vicious
I be up in the gym just working on my fitness

Ironically I was hearing this song as I was reading these Rob Bell words:

You don't have to give yourself away to earn a man's love. You're better than that. You're already loved.

When you give too much of yourself away to quickly, when you show too much skin, you're not being true to yourself. When you dress to show us everything, then in some sense we have all shared in it, or at least been exposed to it. There is a mystery to you, infinite depth and endless complexity.

As the woman says in Song of Songs, "My own vineyard is mine to give." In the ancient Near East, a vineyard was a euphemism for sexuality. She is saying that she doesn't give herself to just anyone. She is fully in control of herself, and she is not cheap and she is not easy.

Your strength is a beautiful thing. And when you live in it, when you carry yourself with the honor and dignity that are yours, it forces the men around you to relate to you on more than just a flesh level.

You are worth dying for.

Being sexy is less about being so comfortable in your skin that you flaunt it in the face of others & more about loving the you that God loves and created.

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