Friday, August 29, 2008

Hardest Working Player

Here is a blog worthy post to enter back after my hiatus...

Joel was at hockey camp this week at the University of Calgary. Today they had a final big game and then an awards ceremony. He was one of 30 Atom kids and walked away with one of the three awards up for grabs - the hardest working player!

I was blown away when the coach called him to the front and asked him to pick a stick. If you run in hockey circles you'll know that a one piece composite is an expensive weapon even for a jr. Put it this way, til now Joel has been using $8 wooden sticks - wacka, wacka, wacka ol' skool. This stick he picked up as part of his award today runs at a whopping 60 bones!

Joel deserved it. He's been crawling into bed with sore legs each night and taking the stairs like an old man in the morning. Joel plays end to end as a hard workin', legs & heart pumpin' defensive offenseman.

The coach giving the award wanted to throw in ten bucks for a haircut too. Joel wasn't accepting that!

Joel - Hardest Working Player Award
w/Dinos Puck & Vapor Velocity Composite Stick
Congrats Joel!

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