Thursday, September 11, 2008

God on the Radio

God is in control...

On the night before his execution, Peter slept like a baby. Here he was, chained in a room full of soldiers, James's blood still moist on the ground, and though he could only assume this was his one last night before his own torturous death, he was not afraid. So peacefully did he rest, in fact, that the angel had to prod him to wake up, and even while he was walking, he questioned if he was dreaming. Meanwhile, the believers had dropped everything and gathered together to pray. Was this the thought that kept Peter at peace? That his friends and family were on their knees all day appealing to God for him? Maybe. But certainly Peter trusted that God was in control. A church that started with 12 people was now over 8,000, and God was blessing the world through these people.

Taken from The Dust off Their Feet (Chapter 12

God is in control.

It's both a sobering and intensely comforting truth.

Perception really is not reality. That's bullshit. Perception is not based in truth. It's largely based in false assumption which in turn creates a false reality.

I can lean towards impatience. I've also been known to question the truth of God's presence & control based on the false reality I've created when I assume God isn't around and is unconcerned with my life. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Monday I was on my way to work, weaving through rush hour traffic, when I heard some news on the radio that came as God speaking into my life.

This morning I read the above from Acts 12 regarding Peter's escape from prison.

I have just come back to work after a midday appointment at the doctor's office. I was to book a follow up that I need within the next week (I was actually hoping to have everything taken care of today but it didn't happen, however, I'm not concerned because I have a little time). The Dr. said, "I'll try to get you in ASAP if I'm not booking too far in advance." However, I heard her talking to the receptionist and it didn't sound promising. I heard something about not before 1 month away. But when the receptionist looked for an appointment on her computer she turned to me and said, "You're lucky - she has had a cancellation next week." I'm in!

Luck had nothing to do with the radio announcement, my reading this morning or the appointment due to cancellation next week... ..God is in control.

God, forgive my lack of faith at times. You know it will happen again. I invite your reminders.

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